Empowerment Through
Data Science & Collaboration

Welcome to the frontier of advocacy — where every child’s story matters, and no voice is too soft to be heard. At Christian Hillier, we’re pioneering a movement grounded in integrity, where data science is the compass that guides us to justice. Here, each byte of information builds towards a foundation of truth, enabling us to identify the fractures in a system that has faltered and to stand firmly in support of families and children who deserve to thrive. We’re not just responding to calls for help — we’re answering with a roar for change.

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Trusted by Industry Leaders and Academic Pioneers

“My professional tapestry is woven with threads of service and innovation alongside venerable institutions and leading corporations. With honor, I have contributed to the strategic initiatives of the U.S. Department of Defense and the U.S. Air Force, embraced the technological forefront with Samsung, and pursued academic excellence at the Defense Language Institute, UC Berkeley, UT Austin, and the University of Oklahoma. These collaborations have not only enriched my expertise but continue to influence a lifelong commitment to advancement and service. Embark on a journey through my narrative and discover the enduring impact of these partnerships.” – Christine Hillier

My Story: A Journey from Engineer to Advocate for Change

Our journey through darkness has revealed a truth that demands to be shared. The theft of our passports was a theft of more than documents—it was a theft of dignity, autonomy, and justice. We did not consent; we were exploited under the guise of a system we trusted. When we sought help, we were met not with support, but with the cold machinery of human trafficking that sought to claim our freedom.

Yet, this story is not one of defeat. It is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the power of relentless advocacy. Our trials—starvation, wrongful separation, pursuit, and wrongful imprisonment—have only fueled our commitment to fight for those who have endured similar plights. The silence of the institutions we once believed were our protectors only amplifies our resolve to speak louder.

As we stand here today, our scars are not just reminders of past wounds, but stark beacons calling for a revolution in accountability and transparency. They are the rallying cries for a system that serves, rather than silences, the vulnerable. Our narrative is harsh, but within it lies the seeds of change—a vision for a future where no individual’s plight is dismissed, where every call for help is met with action, not exploitation.

We extend our hands to you, not just as survivors, but as warriors of change, advocating for a world where integrity forms the bedrock of every system. Our mission is steeped in the belief that with the right tools—data science, legal advocacy, and the collective power of our voices—we can dismantle the very structures that sought to hold us captive.

Join us in this pivotal movement. Together, we are not just rebuilding lives; we are restructuring the foundations of society to ensure that no cry for help goes unanswered, and no story is left untold.

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Social Workers Exposed
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What We Provide

Transformative Advocacy Solutions Empowerment in Action

We don’t just offer tools—we forge a path to action and accountability. At Christian Hillier, our purpose is twofold: to arm you with cutting-edge resources and to walk alongside you on your journey to justice. Our dedication transcends mere support; we’re crafting a new paradigm of advocacy where each story catalyzes change, each piece of evidence paves the way for accountability, and where community collaboration leads to unstoppable progress.

Awareness and Education Informed Advocacy

Knowledge ignites the power of advocacy. Our mission transcends awareness—it’s about equipping you with in-depth understanding and actionable insights. Dive into our comprehensive educational materials, embrace the complexity of laws, and emerge as an informed advocate ready to make an indelible impact on the world.

Visual Evidence Timelines The Power of Narrative

Every story deserves to be seen. We offer a pioneering approach to visual storytelling, transforming your evidence into compelling narratives. Our visual timelines do more than present facts; they humanize your journey, lending a voice to your experiences and forging connections that resonate deeply and drive change.


Build Trust: Evidence Collection and Validation Credibility Through Clarity

In a landscape of uncertainty, clarity becomes the currency of trust. Here, we not only provide tools for evidence collection but ensure its validation, crafting an unassailable foundation for your advocacy. Christian Hillier empowers you to construct a narrative that stands firm in the face of scrutiny, cementing your role as a beacon of truth.

Public Relations and Marketing Elevating Voices

Bringing your story to the forefront, we provide an arsenal of public relations and marketing tools that amplify your message. We’re not just about being heard; we’re about ensuring that the echo of your voice becomes a call to action, inspiring communities and inciting transformation on a global scale.

What We Achieve Together

At Christian Hillier, we stand at the nexus of advocacy and innovation, where every voice finds its resonance, and no story lingers in silence. Our suite of services is not just a response—it’s an uprising against the veil of ignorance and the echo of systemic wrongs. From comprehensive educational platforms to strategic evidence mapping and the art of compelling public discourse, we harness every tool at our disposal to cast light into the shadows. Here, we come together to forge a coalition of strength and clarity, turning the tide with informed action and unwavering resolve. Join us, and let’s write a new narrative for justice—one where every individual, every family, finds their fortress in truth and their right to be heard.

Increased Empowerment
Authoring Your Advocacy

In the landscape of advocacy, knowledge is power and ownership is key. Christian Hillier equips survivors with not just tools but sovereignty over their stories. Understanding the intricate web of laws and technology becomes your strength—empowering you to build your narrative on a foundation of verified evidence and inviolable rights."

Better Outcomes in Courts and Public Forums
Strategy for Success

Success in advocacy isn't just about evidence; it's about how that evidence is wielded. We specialize in curating and validating your testimony to ensure it resonates with authority in courtrooms and public spaces. Our dedication to credible, articulate advocacy aims to secure the justice you seek.

Greater Awareness and Support for the Cause The Echo of Advocacy

Our approach to public relations transcends raising voices; it amplifies the very heartbeat of your cause. We craft your message to captivate, educate, and inspire action—turning listeners into allies, awareness into a drumbeat for change, and collective support into a movement that transforms the narrative around government-sponsored human trafficking.