Welcome to the dedicated page showcasing the powerful interviews conducted by Iolanda Menino with families affected by forced adoption. These interviews highlight the faces and stories of those who have experienced the heartache of having their children taken away, providing a platform for their voices to be heard.

About Iolanda Menino

Iolanda Menino is a tireless advocate and mother who experienced the devastating loss of her own son to forced adoption. She has since dedicated herself to giving a voice to other parents who have faced similar fates, exposing the harsh realities of this practice. Her work is crucial in raising awareness and advocating for change.

Meet the Families

Through these interviews, you will hear firsthand accounts from parents who have endured the trauma of losing their children. Each story is unique, shedding light on the personal and emotional impact of forced adoption.

Case Management Summaries

In addition to the full interviews conducted by Iolanda Menino, Christine Hillier provides AI-generated case management summaries. These summaries offer a comprehensive and structured overview of each family’s situation, including key details about the case, the family’s background, and the impact of forced adoption on their lives. They are meticulously crafted to support court cases by highlighting inconsistencies, providing timelines, and detailing the emotional and legal aspects of each situation. Summaries are shared only with those who sign a legal contract, ensuring the information is used exclusively for court cases and protecting everyone from potential retaliation from powerful institutions. Christine always obtains the explicit approval of each individual family before sharing these summaries to the private group and never shares the name of the child.

Case information will be shared within a password-protected private group. Access to this group requires a signed legal contract to safeguard the information, ensuring it is used responsibly. The collective information can be utilized in individual court cases and as part of a class action suit.

While Christine and Iolanda currently work separately, there are opportunities to potentially partner in future campaigns to strengthen advocacy efforts.

Unveiling Corruption: Carol Woods Exposes British Social Services’ Dark Secrets

We present an explosive interview with Carol Woods, a former senior social worker. Despite being from 2019, Carol’s testimony is vital for understanding the deep-rooted corruption within British social services. She exposes how social workers are coerced to falsify records to unjustly remove children from vulnerable families, resembling totalitarian tactics. Carol reveals systemic abuses: altered records, unwarranted child removals, severe harassment, wrongful psychiatric detentions, and the theft of her home. Her six-month incarceration highlights the extreme lengths authorities go to silence dissent. Her ordeal underscores the same issues faced by families today in 2024, highlighting the urgent need for transparency, accountability, and social reform.

Watch the full interview below to uncover the disturbing truth about British social services and its impact on families:

Link to Carol Woods’ Interview

Sagarika Chakraborty: The Netflix film “Mrs. Chatterjee vs. Norway” is based on Sagarika Chakraborty’s real-life battle to regain custody of her children from Norwegian Child Welfare Services. Her relentless fight and ultimate victory highlight the struggle for family rights and justice on an international scale.

Christine Hillier, a professionally trained engineer with a BS in Electrical Engineering and MS studies in Data Science, was exploited and disempowered in numerous systems like asylum, foster care, adoption, jails, and wards. In these systems, prisoners lack voice and power, subjected to unchecked exploitation under the guise of care, child protection, and public safety. Her experience highlights the urgent need for systemic reform to protect vulnerable individuals and ensure accountability.

Aurangzeb Latif (“Rangy”): In this powerful interview with Iolanda Menino, Rangy, a prominent advocate with over 25K TikTok followers, discusses his fight against forced adoption in the UK. He reveals systemic corruption, the exploitation of children, and the silencing of whistleblowers, aiming to expose injustices and support affected families.

Samantha Baldwin, mother of two boys, lost custody in the corrupt family court system after her children disclosed their father’s sexual and ritual abuse. Despite evidence, the courts blamed her, perpetuating a web of lies to protect abusers. She wrote a book to expose these injustices and advocate for social reform to protect children.

Kelly Jeffries, a mother who chose to homeschool her son Knox during the lockdown, faced severe repercussions from the system. Despite Knox’s significant progress, authorities accused her of mental instability and seized custody. Her story reveals the systemic abuse of power and control, reminiscent of oppressive regimes. This case highlights the urgent need for social reform to protect families from unjust state intervention and mainstream propaganda.

Steve Burg, a devoted father, lost his son to corrupt social services despite glowing parenting reports. False accusations led to a traumatic police raid. His story highlights systemic child abduction under the guise of protection, exposing a deeply flawed system that prioritizes profit over family integrity.

Sarah Moss’s compelling story illustrates the pervasive issues within forced adoption systems. A qualified early childhood practitioner with 20 years of experience, Sarah faced emotional and psychological abuse from her partner. Despite efforts to protect her children, she was unfairly targeted by social services, leading to the unwarranted removal of her daughters. Her children were placed with individuals deemed unfit, despite clear evidence of Sarah’s suitability as a mother. Sarah’s ordeal highlights the urgent need for reform and accountability in child protection services.

Sarah Jane, a mother of four, had her life torn apart by UK social services, who unjustly took her children. Her story reveals a harrowing journey of domestic abuse, false accusations, and systemic corruption. She bravely speaks out, calling for urgent reform and inspiring others to fight for justice and transparency in child protection.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Sarah Jane’s life was shattered when UK social services took her four children. Battling abuse, neglect, and a flawed system, Sarah courageously exposes these injustices, fighting to reunite her family and urging other mothers to break their silence and join the call for reform.

Gar Hovik from Norway actively challenges Barnevernet, the social services known for forcibly taking children. His activism includes documenting police misconduct and court cases. Gar’s efforts led to police harassment and losing access to his daughter, highlighting systemic injustices. His fight underscores the urgent need for social reform to protect families.

Leanne Leybourne’s story reveals the harsh realities of forced adoption. A survivor of domestic violence and a mother of three, Lean faced unjust actions by social services. Despite no evidence of abuse or neglect, her children were removed and placed in unfit environments. Her struggle underscores the urgent need for transparency and reform in child protection services.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.