About Us

Driving Change: Our Commitment to Advocacy and Innovation

Our Mission

At Christian Hillier, we ignite change through data-driven advocacy and collaborative innovation. Our mission is to empower individuals and communities by using cutting-edge data science and legal advocacy to challenge systemic injustices and transform the narrative around government-sponsored human trafficking.

Our Vision

We envision a world where every voice is heard, and no story is left untold. We strive to build a future where integrity is the cornerstone of every institution and where every individual—regardless of their circumstances—has the tools and support to claim their rights and shape their destiny.

Our Journey

Founded on the principles of integrity, transparency, and relentless advocacy, Christian Hillier began as a response to the profound injustices witnessed within systems meant to protect and serve. Our founder, Christine Hillier, brings a wealth of experience from various prestigious institutions, using her background in data science and strategic planning to spearhead initiatives that make a tangible difference.

From exposing systemic failures to providing individuals with the means to fight back, we’ve grown into a beacon of hope for many. Our work spans multiple continents, and our efforts have been recognized with numerous awards for innovation in advocacy and transformative social impact.

Our Approach

We utilize a unique blend of data analysis, legal expertise, and community engagement to identify and address the root causes of systemic issues. Our projects and initiatives are designed to:

  • Educate and Empower: Through workshops, webinars, and resources, we equip individuals with the knowledge to navigate complex systems.
  • Advocate and Influence: We work on the ground and in courtrooms, ensuring that our voices—and the voices of those we represent—are heard loud and clear.
  • Collaborate and Build: By forging partnerships with like-minded organizations, we amplify our impact and push for broader societal change.

Our Values And Principles

At Christian Hillier Project, our values are more than just words—they are the bedrock of our actions and the heart of our mission. We are committed to advocating for systemic change by upholding the principles of accountability, privacy, and justice. These values guide our daily operations and our long-term strategies, ensuring that we remain steadfast in our pursuit of a fairer and more transparent society. Below, we outline the key principles that define our work and inspire our efforts to protect and empower individuals and families across the globe.


We champion the principle of accountability in all sectors, especially within government institutions. Our advocacy emphasizes the need for transparency and accountability from those in power, particularly when their decisions have profound impacts on individuals and families without just cause.


At the heart of our values is the staunch defense of family privacy. We advocate for the rights of families, especially those unjustly targeted by predictive assessments without evidence. Our commitment is to safeguard personal autonomy and protect individuals from undue governmental intrusion.

Justice & Fairness

We strive for a society where fairness and justice are not just ideals, but realities that every citizen can expect and rely upon. This includes challenging policies and practices that predict future risks without tangible evidence, advocating for reforms that promote equity and fairness in every governmental interaction.

Hello. My name is Christine Hillier

With a profound background in engineering and innovation, I am driven by the boundless potential of technology to foster significant societal change. My passion is deeply rooted in the belief that through the intersection of human endeavor and advanced technology, particularly AI, we can address some of the most pressing issues facing our communities today.

However, my journey has been shaped by deep personal challenges as a survivor of systemic violence. These experiences have not only fortified my resilience but have critically informed my commitment to advocacy and systemic reform. It is from this foundation that my mission to integrate data-driven decisions and AI-human collaboration in our advocacy efforts emerges.

Education for me extends beyond traditional learning; it is about continually adapting and applying knowledge to advocate effectively in a rapidly evolving world. I see it as a tool for empowerment and a means to catalyze societal advancement.

Above all, I am devoted to my community, believing strongly in the transformative power of collective action when guided by clear, data-backed insights. This belief is what drives Christian Hillier Project to not only respond to calls for help but to proactively engage in shaping a future where technology and data transparency serve as cornerstones of justice and equity.

Thank you for taking the time to learn about me. I am eager to collaborate with those who share our vision, aiming to build a brighter, more inclusive future for everyone.