Combatting Child Trafficking: Resources

Support Not Separation

Support Not Separation is dedicated to ending the unwarranted and damaging separation of children from their mothers or other primary caregivers. Through research, advocacy, and support, they aim to address issues such as arbitrary removal of children, especially in cases where mothers report domestic violence and child abuse. They also work to highlight the continued prevalence of forced adoptions and the need for reform in family court systems. Through their publications, events, videos, and resources, Support Not Separation strives to raise awareness, provide assistance, and advocate for the rights of children and their caregivers.

Corruption Watch UK

Corruption Watch UK serves as a vital resource for staying informed about ongoing cases and developments related to court order fraud and government corruption. Through their platform, they provide real-time updates on instances of corruption within various governmental bodies and institutions across the UK. From exposing fraudulent court cases aimed at separating families to shedding light on the theft of children by public officials, Corruption Watch UK offers insights into the injustices faced by individuals and families affected by corruption.

With a commitment to transparency and accountability, Corruption Watch UK publishes regular posts that detail specific cases, highlight key players involved, and uncover systemic issues contributing to corruption within the government. By providing a platform for whistleblowers and advocates to share their stories, Corruption Watch UK plays a crucial role in raising awareness and advocating for change in the fight against government-sponsored injustice.

Stay informed and empowered by subscribing to Corruption Watch UK and joining their mission to combat corruption and uphold justice for all.

Family Court Crisis: A Vital Resource for Understanding Judicial Injustice

Family Court Crisis, curated by Nataly Anderson, serves as a critical platform for shedding light on the systemic issues within family courts. Through insightful articles and discussions, Anderson exposes the harsh realities faced by individuals and families navigating the family court system, particularly in cases involving child custody, parental rights, and domestic abuse.

  • What You'll Find:

  • In-Depth Analysis: Dive into thought-provoking discussions on topics such as industrial genocide within family courts, ethical considerations in legal proceedings, and the impact of parental rights legislation.

  • Expert Insights: Benefit from the expertise of Dr. Bandy X Lee and other professionals as they discuss the crimes against humanity perpetrated within family courts and the urgent need for reform.

  • Case Studies: Explore real-life stories and case studies that illustrate the profound injustices experienced by individuals caught in the family court system.

  • International Perspectives: Gain insight into global issues surrounding family court practices, including the propagation of fathers' rights propaganda in Japan and the challenges faced by mothers and children in Croatia's family court system.

Why Family Court Crisis Matters:

With a commitment to truth and accountability, Family Court Crisis aims to raise awareness about the widespread corruption and malpractice within family courts. By providing a platform for discussion and advocacy, Anderson empowers readers to challenge existing norms and demand systemic change.

Stay informed and engaged by subscribing to Family Court Crisis and joining the conversation on combating judicial injustice. Together, we can work towards a fairer and more equitable family court system for all.